Michel Comte Thirty Years and Five Minutes Bildband Fotografie

99 €

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45472 Nordrhein-Westfalen - Mülheim (Ruhr)
  • Art Kunst & Kultur
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Michel Comte "Thirty Years and Five Minutes"

ISBN: 978-3832793029
Abmessungen: 27.94 x 4.45 x 36.83 cm
Erscheinungsdatum: 20. November 2009
Verlag: Teneues Verlag
408 S.
Sprache: Englisch/Deutsch/Span. /Ital.

A trained art restorer and selftaught photographer, Michel Comte sprung to prominence in 1979 with his first advertising commission for Karl Lagerfeld's fashion label Chloé. One of the top names in fashion and magazine photography, his work has appeared in Vanity Fair and Vogue. His subjects from the realms of art, music and entertainment include Sharon Stone, Jeremy Irons, Mike Tyson, and Carla Bruni. With a selection of Comte's most iconic images, this massive volume spans his entire three-decade career. Chapters cover portraits, fashion spreads, nudes, candid paparazzi shots, as well as a series of photographs taken in Comte's favorite hotel room in the Paris Ritz! This versatile maestro has also focused his talents on documentary projects in Tibet, Afghanistan, Haiti, Cuba, and Bosnia.

Zustand: Sehr gut bis neuwertig


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