⭐️ MiKK e.V. ➡️ International (m/w/x), 10623

10623 Berlin - Charlottenburg
  • Art Weitere Berufe


✅ Hier geht es direkt zum Job ➡️ International Advisory Service Adviser, Project Assistant ✅
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Alle Infos zu diesem Job und zu MiKK e.V. International Mediation Centre for Family Conflict and Child Abduction unter folgendem Link

➡️ https://www.joboo.de/de/ka/0/732bb0b0-d18e-11ee-a945-879a1a8b0eb0 ⬅️

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Das könnten bald deine Aufgaben sein:
To ensure the effective running of the International MiKK Advisory Service by providing advice, information and referral to mediation to parents and other service users by phone, email, and Skype/Zoom. To provide assistance with MiKK Training activities and the implementation of EU projects.

Key Responsibilities & Main Tasks:

• The provision of relevant and correct practical guidance and information to parents and other international stakeholders on the advantages, the process and the principles of mediation.

• The provision of information (not legal advice!) about the applicable international legal framework in international child abduction cases.

• Referring parents to cross-border family mediators from the International MiKK Mediators Network in accordance with the MiKK 4 B Model. Referral to expert lawyers and the relevant national Central Authority.

• Assisting with MiKK’s data collection and monitoring requirements of service users, advice records and volunteers; help to develop and improve tools and processes for engaging with parents and other stakeholders who use our service, including the International MiKK Mediator Network.

• Help to improve and increase the reach, impact and efficiency of the International MiKK Advisory Service, including reviewing and updating the MiKK database/client recording; the mediator network database and other internal processes.

• Assist with the planning development and carrying out of EU and other projects (i.e. Parent Support Group).

• Assist with the planning and execution of MiKK Trainings and Workshops in Germany and abroad.

Other responsibilities:

• Supporting the Co-CEOs in fulfilling MiKK’s aims.

• Help identify policy and strategic issues for MiKK’s research and policy work.

• Support fundraising activities for MiKK, including by providing statistics, contributing to applications and reporting requirements for the EU.

• Helping ensure MiKK is positioned as the leading voice on mediation in cross-border family disputes and child abduction cases.

• Undertaking any other reasonable duties as directed.
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➡️ https://www.joboo.de/de/ka/0/732bb0b0-d18e-11ee-a945-879a1a8b0eb0 ⬅️

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