Zvex Box of Metal Vexter im neuwertigen Zustand.

220 €

+ Versand ab 10,49 €
96050 Bayern - Bamberg
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Zvex Box of Metal Vexter im neuwertigen Zustand.

The Box of Metal is an aggressive high-gain pedal with a highly-effective built-in switchable gate which dramatically reduces noise and unwanted feedback. Its gain and tonal characteristics are somewhat similar to high-gain tube amplifiers that have been the staple of hard rock and metal sounds since the 80’s. On the right, there is a true- bypass switch with an indicator LED to bypass the entire effect. On the left is a gate switch which is only effective when the pedal is on, the gate cannot be used separately.

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Verkauft wird das Pedal in der original Schachtel.

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