Vinyl Vinyl Vinyl - Post Rock, Shoegaze, Alternative, Indie, Prog

1 €

+ Versand ab 5,00 €
32130 Nordrhein-Westfalen - Enger
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


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Als Versand inkl. Tracking in einem JPC- oder ähnlichem Karton kommen 5€ pauschal dazu.
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Hammock - Asleep in the downlights [nm/vg(+)] 12€
The Hirsch Effekt - Kollaps [nm/nm] 20€
David Bowie - No Trendy Rechauffé [nm/nm] 40€
Uluru - Acrophylia [nm/nm] 15€

IQ - Dark Matter UK 2008 [vg++/vg++] 60€
Pendragon - Men who climb mountains [nm/nm] 25€
Pendragon - The World 2LP 2015 [nm/nm] 35€
Giant Sky - II [vg+/nm] 25€

Bark Psychosis - Codename: Dustsucker 2LP 2018 [nm/nm] 28€
Mark Kelly´s Marathon [nm/nm] 20€
Nordsind - Eferår [nm/nm] 10€
Ropes inside a hole - Autumnalia [nm/nm] 6€

The New Alchemy - On the other Side of Light [nm/nm] 8€
Johan G. Winther - The rupturing sowle [nm/nm] 10€
The Shaking Sensations - How are we to Fight the Blight [nm/nm] 18€
Bohren und der Club of Gore - Dolores [nm/nm] 18€

neànder - Eremit [nm/nm] 15€
Apoptygma Berzerk - You and me against the world [nm/vg(+)] 22€
Swervedriver - Mezcal Head #CRELP143 [vg+/vg+] 75€
Swervedriver - Raise #CRELP093 inkl. 7" [vg+/vg+] 55€

Echolons))) - Idea of a Labyrinth [nm/nm] 15€
Pure Reason Revolution - The dark third [nm/nm] 30€

Pendragon - Love over Fear [nm/nm] 35€
Syberia - Seeds of change [nm/nm] 15€

Midas Fall - The Menagerine Inside VERKAUFT
Midas Fall - Evaporate VERKAUFT

Black Peaks - All that devides [nm/nm] 35€
Pavallion - Stratospheria [nm/nm] 20€

Of the Vine - Left alone [nm/nm] 22€
Of the Vine - East-the-water [nm/nm] 28€

Entropy - Liminal [nm/nm] 15€
Gregor McEwan - From A to beginning [nm/nm] 10€

Haedes - The twenty-second century [nm/vg(+)] 15€
Glacier - No light ever [nm/nm] 18€

Secret Shine - There is only now [nm/nm] 25€
Whimsical - Melt [nm/nm] 20€

Shun - Songs from the centrifuge [nm/nm] 20€
Seims - Four [nm/nm] 20€

Vennart - In the dead, dead wood [nm/nm] 50€
Bowery Electric - Bowery Electric [vg+/vg+] 75€

Caesars Palace - Youth is wasted on the young [m/m] sealed / green Vinyl 35€
Oceansize - Everyone into position [m/m] splatter yellow Vinyl 30€

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