Under the skin Michael Faber

5 € VB

+ Versand ab 4,50 €
84347 Bayern - Pfarrkirchen
  • Art Krimis & Thriller
  • Zustand Neu


Versand Büwa 2,25€

In this haunting, entrancing novel, Michael Faber introduces us to Isserly, a female driver who cruises the Scottish Highlands to pick up hitchhikers. Scarred and awkward, yet strangely erotic and threatening, she listens to her hitchhikers as they open up to her, revealing clues about who might miss them if they should disappear. A grotesque and comical allegory, Under the Skin takes us on a heart-thumping ride through dangerous territory - our own moral instincts and the boundaries of compassion - to present a surreal representation of contemporary society run amok.

Neupreis: 13,95€

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