There's Always Things Falling Out the Sky - Kunst/Gedichtbuch

8 €

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04177 Leipzig - Altlindenau
  • Art Kunst & Kultur


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Poems by Sammy Playford
Artwork by Roxy Topia and Paddy Gould

A hallucinatory poem set in artwork that is part children’s book, part psychedelic headspace. There’s Always Things Falling Out The Sky is Sammy Playford’s ritualistic conversation with Bigfoot, Faeries and aliens in the Bristol woods near her home. A serious investment in magic and self-worth, the poem wields protection magic and unpicks the deleterious effects of selling your labour to live.

Sammy works full-time for a delivery company, a job she feels at best ambivalent towards, and at worst just hates.So she listens to podcasts to escape, and roots for the Cryptids as they seem to evade all attempts at capture.

We all know that sensation of expanding inside our heads. Thoughts wrapping around voices from podcasts like vines and trees deep in the woods. Thoughts and words about unexplained occurrences float side by side with ideas and theories on the ethical borders of our bodies and our rights to ourselves.

“There’s this spectral fur all round me like embracing the ghost of a dry cleaned wookie costume & we both sigh & my nostrils sting a little with sulphur rotting egg smell but I probably reek too we hold each other”

A poem for the Paranormals.

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