Terrible Beauty / Mark Frankland

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81739 München - Ramersdorf-Perlach


It is the story of the making of an outrage. An outrage which will be the greatest of them all. An outrage that will make Omagh and Enniskillen look like mere sideshows. An outrage that will blow the Good Friday Agreement into a million pieces.

It is the story of two men from West Belfast. It is the story of how their lives are swallowed up by the endless war of their peoples. Sean O’Neil travels the road of the IRA. For Davie Stanton it is the British Army and the UVF. Their journey carries them through thirty years of pain – Burntollet, the riots of 1969, the Battle of Ballymurphy, Internment, Bloody Sunday, Warrenpoint, The Hunger Strike, Loughgall.

Slowly their lives become intertwined. They become puppets in the dark game where their strings are pulled by the shadowy forces of the British Security Forces, and their destiny becomes one.

In the end one man can no longer stand the Peace that he sees as a betrayal. The Peace he sees a betrayal of his people. He plans an act so appalling that the fragile Peace will be shattered beyond repair.And there is only one man in the world who can stop him.

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