Tama Imperialstar King-Beat Snare

399 €

+ Versand ab 10,49 €
13051 Berlin - Lichtenberg
  • Zustand Gut


Tama Imperialstar King-Beat Snare (Vintage)
mit Parallel Abhebung + 1.Stk (Ersatz)Snarewire.

Steel 5x14" Snare Drum
1977 - 1985








Ein sehr schönes und gut erhaltenes Stück mit dem
auch der Drummer Stewart Copeland spielte.

The TAMA Imperialstar King Beat 5" x 14" Snare was one of the snares owned by Stewart Copeland. He had at least three of these according to the Ghost In The Machine tour program.

The King Beat snare was used by Stewart quite heavily during 1978 and 1979. He recorded with it on both Outlandos D'Amour and Reggatta De Blanc, and had also "carried them around in and out of clubs all over England, Europe and America". It was part of the TAMA Imperialstar Light Blue drum kit.

Eventually Stewart ended up preferring the Pearl hybrid snare, which became the snare he used for the rest of his career from 1979 onwards.

The King Beat snare that was used to record the first two Police albums had been auctioned off in 2016, incorrectly named as a "Remo Weather King Piccolo Snare" (the Remo Weather King being the drum head on the snare).

Another TAMA snare had been sold off along with the blue kit.

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