Singing Lessons︱Vocal Coaching︱Kreuzberg

30 €

10997 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Kreuzberg


Hello beautiful singer,

Let’s celebrate your voice together !

I’m a passionate singer-songwriter, musician and performer from France, who’s in love with helping others in understanding their voice better and unleashing their creativity.

I’d be honoured to help you discover yours and its infinite possibilities.

Through the guidance of your sensations and mindful listening, we’ll explore vocal technique to teach your body how healthy supported singing feels. We’ll work on exercises made to improve your breathing, resonance and agility, then apply them to songs you love for a deeper understanding ! ❤︎

You’ll discover how to connect to your power and how to use your voice freely - skilfully - joyfully.

Beginners and more advanced singers/players are welcomed. I’d be happy to work with you on compositions, vocal identity, improvisations, auditions, as well as guiding you through your very first sound explorations.

I look forward to hearing from you !


Graduate of Performance, Composition, Arrangement, Improvisation, Teaching - American School of Modern Music (Paris 2012-2016)
Master classes, lessons with Rick Margitza, Tigran Hamasyan, Yaron Hermann, Christopher Culpo - 2012-2016
Vocal coaching with Raymonde Viret, Cheryl Porter, Renee Grant-Williams - 2012-2019
Classical Music and Piano, Conservatoire de Paris - 2000-2008

Languages: English & French.

Location: At my place in Kreuzberg.


Monthly lessons plan

4x 1h - 160€ - (40€/h)
4x 1h30 - 228€ - (38€/h)

2x 1h - 90€ (45€/h)
2x 1h30 - 130€ (43€/h)

Stand-alone lesson 1h: 50€
Stand-alone lesson 1h30: 70€

Trial lesson of 45min: 30€

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