S.C. Ransom - Perfectly Reflected | English | Small Blue Thing #2

6 € VB

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70192 Stuttgart - Stuttgart-Nord
  • Art Science Fiction


Sprache: Englisch
Neuwertig (siehe Bilder).
Band 2 der Serie "Small Blue Thing".

(Ich verkaufe auch Band 1 und Band 3 der Serie. Für mehr Infos gerne anschreiben, oder meine weiteren Anzeigen durchschauen!)

Alex and Callum just want to be together. But Callum is a Dirge, able only to communicate with Alex through the beautiful amulets they both wear. He is powerless to help her when things start to go wrong - her window is broken, her money stolen and she is physically attacked. And there's worse to come - someone seems to hate Alex so much that they will stop at nothing to get Callum from her, to steal her very life from her. Who would want to take everything, and why?


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