Robert M. Parker - Bordeaux - Buch in englischer Sprache

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63920 Bayern - Großheubach
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Gebundene Ausgabe mit leichten Lagerspuren.

When Robert M. Parker, Jr's Bordeaux was first published in 1985, it was greeted with tremendous enthusiasm by such legendary authorities as Hugh Johnson and Michael Broadbent. Time, Newsweek, Business Week, Esquire, and People magazines soon joined in the praise, and the book became a huge commercial and critical success. In England, it won the prestigious Glenfiddich award.
In the last six years, Parker has published four other books for wine lovers-Burgundy, The Wines of the Rhône Valley and Provence, and two editions of the Wine Buyer's Guide -as well as his highly respected newsletter, The Wine Advocate. With each book, his audience has expanded to the point where not only American wine consumers but those in France, England, Japan, Sweden, and Germany as well have quickly learned to trust his palate.
And why not? He reports with unprecedented indepen-dence, objectivity, clarity, and enthusiasm, and a prodigious comprehensiveness. His accessible and direct style welcomes both the seasoned wine collector and the eager beginner into the pleasures of wine.
Parker tackles the critical issues one by one in the book's opening chapters, where he reflects on the changes in Bordeaux. Who most influences winemaking styles?
What role does technology play in modern wine produc-tion? What impact do second labels have on the quality of the first? Has there been a renaissance of Barsac and Sauternes? In addition, Parker discusses the pitfalls of improper shipping and storage, and ponders American attitudes about wine maturity and the vagaries of the ever-changing marketplace.
The bulk of the text is devoted to more than 2700 meticulous tasting notes of wines from 677 châteaux. The book is organized by appellation, each of which has been analyzed in detail. Within each appellation, Parker moves alphabetically from one producer to the next, first with a box containing essential information, followed by an overview of the property and its owners, and then a listing of the vintages, with numerical ratings and detailed tasting notes of most of that château's wines for the past thirty years. Here Parker is at his best, avoiding stuffy wine-speak and writing in plain English to convey the multitude of sensations wine can provide. At the end of each tasting note, he estimates the "anticipated maturity" - the range of time when the wine should peak in flavors and balance.
(continued on back flap)

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