Richelle Mead: Midnight Jewel | Glittering Court | Goldene Hof #2

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70192 Stuttgart - Stuttgart-Nord
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Sprache: Englisch
Sehr gut erhalten (siehe Bilder).
Band 2 der Serie "The Glittering Court" (auf deutsch heißt die Serie: "Der Goldene Hof".)

Ich verkaufe auch Band 1 und Band 3 der Serie. Für mehr Infos gerne anschreiben, oder meine weiteren Anzeigen durchschauen.

In the second installment of the number-one New York Times best-selling Glittering Court series, Richelle Mead goes beyond the glitz and glamour, delving into the dark, political underbelly of their world through the eyes of one girl who dares to fight for her freedom.

A refugee of war, Mira was cast out of her home country and thrust into another, where the conditions were inhospitable at best. In a life-altering twist of fate, she is given the chance to escape once more, and she takes it, joining the Glittering Court.
For a select group of girls, the Glittering Court offers a shot at a life they've only ever dreamed of, one of luxury, glamour, and leisure. But for Mira it means further persecution, not only from her fellow Glittering Court jewels but from her suitors as well - men she would potentially be expected to give her life to.
By day she goes through the motions, learning the etiquette and customs that will help to earn her anonymity, even making a couple true friends in the process, the forthright ladies' maid Adelaide and the ambitious laundress Tamsin. But by night Mira hatches a different plan entirely - one that, if exposed, could get her hanged in the highest court of Adoria.
Midnight Jewel is the extraordinary story of a girl with few options who courageously forges a new path, finding love, passion, lifelong friendships, and maybe even a way to freedom.


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