Re/Search 4/5-Book-Throbbing Gristle-W.S.Burroughs-Brion Gysin-

89 € VB

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10245 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain
  • Art Antiquarische Bücher
  • Zustand Neu


Re/Search 4/5 - Book Throbbing Gristle W.S.Burroughs Brion Gysin Industrial

immer noch eingeschweißt, original 1. Pressung !

Rare 1.Pressung ( noch eingeschweißt, wie in England gekauft )

"In an inspired touch, RE/Search publisher V. Vale brought together the work of groundbreaking novelist William Burroughs and avant-garde painter Brion Gysin (already linked by their collaborations in the “cut-up” method of artistic creation) with the founders of industrial music, Throbbing Gristle, for this seminal document of ‘80s underground culture.
Originally published in 1982, the book combined “primary source interviews,” in which subjects discuss advanced ideas involving the social control process, creativity, and the future; scarce essays; rare fiction excerpts; bibliographies; discographies; and biographies.

The book quickly became a celebrated addition to RE/Search’s notorious list and to the canon of ‘80s subculture."

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