Originalgemälde Marie-Sophie Belmon Expressionismus Frankreich

350 € VB

+ Versand ab 0,00 €
86456 Bayern - Gablingen


Beidseitig bemalt Öl auf Holz Maße ca. 1mX1m
Marie Sophie BELMON
unten rechts
Größe ohne Rahmen
Altersangemessener Zustand

Marie Sophie Belmon was a visual artist, Marie Sophie Belmon, born in 1930, died in 1976.Marie
Sophie Belmonwas predominantly inspired creatively by the 1950s. In the Post-War period the lens of modernism was focused, in terms of
international attention, on developments in New York City. The Second
World War had brought many prominent creatives to the city in exile from
Europe, leading to a noteworthy pooling of talent and ideas.
Influential Europeans that came to New York and provided inspiration for
American artists included Piet Mondrian, Josef Albers and Hans
Hoffmann, who between them set the foundations for much of the United
States’ cultural growth in the decades thereafter. Key artists of the
Abstract Expressionist Generation included Jackson Pollock (who
innovated his famed drip, splatter and pour painting techniques),

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