Nick Hornby, High Fidelity & A long way down, englisch

5 €

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85055 Bayern - Ingolstadt
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Nick Hornby - High Fidelity
Nick Hornby - A Long way down

Die Bücher sind in englischer Sprache und in super Zustand.

Abholung in 85055 Ingolstadt oder Versand als BüWa.
Schaut euch gerne auch meine anderen Angebote an!


High Fidelity:

Nick Hornby's first novel, an international bestseller and instantly recognized by critics and readers alike as a classic, helps to explain men to women, and men to men. Rob is good on music: he owns a small record shop and has strong views on what's decent and what isn't. But he's much less good on relationships. In fact, he's not at all sure that he wants to commit himself to anyone. So it's hardly surprising that his girlfriend decides that enough is enough.

A long way down:

For disgraced TV presenter Martin Sharp the answer's pretty simple: he has, in his own words, 'pissed his life away'. And on New Year's Eve he's going to end it all . . . but not, as it happens, alone. Because first single-mum Maureen, then eighteen-year-old Jess and lastly American rock-god JJ turn up and crash Martin's private party. They've stolen his idea - but brought their own reasons.

Yet it's hard to jump when you've got an audience queuing impatiently behind you. A few heated words and some slices if cold pizza later and these four strangers are suddenly allies. But is their unlikely friendship a good enough reason to carry on living?

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