MTB-Fully Scott E-Spark 710 Plus

3.599 € VB

Nur Abholung
50733 Köln - Nippes
  • Art Herren
  • Typ Elektrofahrräder
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


Scott E-Spark, frame size M, 500Wh from September 2021. One of the most innovative and best all-round bikes. You can read about it in the Bike e.g. 2018/19.

There are a few small scratches from the transport in the car. Hard to see

Test drive possible at any time. As long as it doesn't rain....

Manual, charger, keys and various accessories available.

Private sale, no warranty or guarantee. On request with a certificate of clearance from the police

Das zuverlässigste Bike das mir jemals unter die Füße gekommen ist. Dank Qualitätiv hochwertigen Parts ,

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