MAS Effects - Sona Fuzz - Boutique Overdrive Distortion Fuzz

95 €

+ Versand ab 6,75 €
92262 Bayern - Birgland


Neuwertiges, unbenutztes MAS Effects SONA Fuzz zu verkaufen.

The Sona Fuzz’s layout is straightforward. There are knobs for fuzz, volume, tone, and a “body” toggle switch for the high pass filter, which thins the output or makes it fatter with bottom end. This is particularly useful for tailoring your sound to match single-coils or humbuckers. Under the hood are two internal trimmers. One is a bias control that can be set to achieve a splatty, fractured fuzz. The other is a gain control. As shipped from the factory, it’s set just short of maximum, which MAS Effects deems optimal. This trim pot allows you to get just a little bit more gain, if desired. But as we’ll discover, that’s a little on top of a lot.
The Sona Fuzz is a versatile fuzz pedal that can cover the sonic ground between fuzz and high-gain distortion. Unusual for a fuzz, it uses a soft-touch footswitch that can be operated as a momentary switch, so you seamlessly incorporate the fuzz sound in strategically or rhythmically driven doses, inviting a lot of musical ideas that can take advantage of the ultra-potent fuzz and the major discrepancies between those sounds and clean ones. This is a gain device with a lot of potential.

Aus meiner Fuzz und Overdrive Sammlung verkaufe ich viele, teils seltene Pedale, weil ich die meisten 2x habe. Seht euch meine weiteren Anzeigen an.

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