Malafor RECYCLING ARMCHAIR Design Sessel aus recyceltem Papier

149 € VB

Nur Abholung
19065 Parchim - Landkreis - Raben Steinfeld
  • Art Sitzmöbel
  • Farbe Braun
  • Zustand Gut
  • Material Sonstige


Aufblasbarer Designer Sessel von Malafor aus recyceltem Papier.

Lehne 600x900
Sitz 900x1200


Recycling Armchair is part of our Recycling Collection. You also have to inflate it in order to use it as an armchair. Because of the metal armrests, it is the most stable seat in the whole Blow Collection - even the sceptics of the inflatable furniture would be keen on sitting on it.

It consists of plate paper bags and folded metal frame, so it takes little place in transportation. Moreover, it is easy to put together and dismantle.

There's something on your mind? Write it on your armchair! When the cover gets dirty, it's easy and inexpensive to replace it.

Der Versand ist auseinander gebaut möglich.

Es besteht die Möglichkeit sich rund um Hamburg zur Übergabe zu treffen.

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