Mackie HUI digital DAW Control MIDI console

300 €

+ Versand ab 10,49 €
83512 Bayern - Wasserburg am Inn
  • Zustand Gut


Die Controller Oberfläche steht bei mir ungenutzt rum und darf deshalb gehen.
Immer noch State of the Art.

Sie befindet sich in einem sehr guten Zustand. Alle Fader und Displays funktionieren.

Dazu gibt es im Preis enthalten, ein Transport Case, siehe Abbildung. Aber nur bei Abholung, weil beim Versand wird das dann zu schwer.

Am liebsten Abholung und antesten, ansonsten ist Versand bei Übernahme der Kosten möglich (ohne case).

Privatverkauf: Keine Gewährleistung und kein Umtausch.

Hier die englische Beschreibung:

Mackie Designs’ HUI — Human User Interface — will make life with your digital audio workstation (DAW) the sweet dream it was always meant to be.

First of all, HUI was designed to work with digital audio workstations (or DAWs). For purposes of illustration we’re using the Digidesign® Pro Tools® 4.1 audio hardware/software package (eventually other DAWs will be compatible with HUI). As you may well be aware, Pro Tools allows you to record, edit, mix, and play back audio in the digital realm. You can make seamless electronic edits, EQ changes — basically anything you’d do in a recording studio — without affecting the original source material. With your DAW you can try out infinite possibilities, save practically infinite versions, and then spend the rest of your known existence trying to decide which one was the best. If you make your living recording and mixing audio for CD, major motion picture soundtracks, TV/radio audio soundtracks, or multimedia, a DAW is manna from heaven. But — and this is a big but — using a mouse and computer keyboard to do things you used to do on an analog mixer can be very strange.

Clicking on a visual representation of a fader and trying to drag the mouse smoothly in order to achieve an amazing fade-out is difficult, if not impossible, for many of us. Likewise, turning a “virtual knob” on a computer screen just doesn’t cut it for some folks. And that’s why Mackie Designs teamed up with Digidesign to create HUI. HUI gives you hands-on control of all of your DAW’s parameters. Now you can create a fade with a real fader. Move a HUI fader and your DAW “makes note” of your action and mirrors it on the computer screen. Similarly, when you make a fader move on your screen, HUI’s fader moves, too. Adjust EQ by turning one of HUI’s V-Pot™ knobs and the DAW takes care of therest. In fact, mouse-clicking is practically a thing of the past — with HUI, what used to take multiple mouse-clicks and key combinations can now be accomplished with the push of a button or two. You can use HUI’s hands-on controls to do everything from recording a single track to grouping multiple tracks, assigning inserts and aux sends/returns, automating mixes, and mixing programs for surround-sound.

Touch-updatable moving faders, V-Pots, electronic “scribble strips,” a 40 by two-character display, built-in meter bridge, and an ergonomically laid-out control surface make HUI the logical choice for returning analog-style control to your digital world.

The built-in control room section provides a convenient way to monitor your mixes without having to use a separate mixer. It has three stereo inputs and three stereo outputs, plus a headphone output. The monitor inputs can be mixed together, or they can remain discrete, direct assigned to their corresponding monitor outputs.

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