Love, Silk & Sand, aus der Reihe Freche Mädchen freches Englisch

4 €

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56567 Rheinland-Pfalz - Neuwied
  • Art Kinderbücher


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Love, Silk & Sand, aus der Reihe Freche Mädchen - freches Englisch!

Inhaltsangabe zu "Love, Silk & Sand"
Mimi is so happy she could burst! The prospect of becoming a freelance writer for a newspaper is a sensation. And now she is looking forward to travelling to Morocco – with her boyfriend Carlos. Nothing seems to stand in the way of her happiness. Nothing except Wanda, who knows all the tricks of the trade and flirts with Carlos for all she’s worth. And he even seems to enjoy it! Mimi is angry. And then Wolfi the lady’s man turns up to comfort her, which doesn’t make things any easier ... Reihen: "Freche Mädchen - freche Bücher" / "Freche Mädchen - freches Englisch". Mit Worterklärungen zum leichteren Verständnis.

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