Louise Kennedy: Trespasses Englisch | Taschenbuch neu-wertig 2023

7 € VB

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70192 Stuttgart - Stuttgart-Nord
  • Art Zeitgenössische Literatur & Klassiker


Sprache: Englisch

There is nothing special about the day Cushla meets Michael, a married man from Belfast, in the pub owned by her family. But here, love is never far from violence, and this encounter will change both of their lives forever.
As people get up each morning and go to work, school, church or the pub, the daily news rolls in of another car bomb exploded, another man beaten, killed or left for dead. In the class Cushla teaches, the vocabulary of seven-year-old children now includes phrases like 'petrol bomb' and 'rubber bullets'. And as she is forced to tread lines she never thought she would cross, tensions in the town are escalating, threatening to destroy all she is working to hold together.


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