Intel Realsense T265 Camera - Tracking

190 € VB

+ Versand ab 6,99 €
86150 Bayern - Augsburg
  • Art Kamera
  • Zustand Gut


Original Beschreibung: Inside the camera ​The Intel® RealSense™ Tracking Camera T265 includes two fisheye lens sensors, an IMU and an Intel® Movidius™ Myriad™ 2 VPU. All of the V‑SLAM algorithms run directly on the VPU, allowing for very low latency and extremely efficient power consumption. The T265 has been extensively tested and validated for performance, providing under 1% closed loop drift under intended use conditions. It also offers sub 6ms latency between movement and reflection of movement in the pose. This is fast enough for even highly‑sensitive applications such as Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Hab diesen Tracker für die Virtual Production genutzt. Funktioniert Plug and Play mit Aximmetry.

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