Das berühmte Festival nahe Timbuktu, Mali

12 €

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89584 Baden-Württemberg - Ehingen (Donau)


Künstler/Band : Various Artists (w/ Afel Bocoum, Ali Farka Touré, Tinariwen, Tartit, Oumou Sangaré, Robert Plant & Justin Adams...)
Titel : Le Festival au Désert

Zustand : Minimale Gebrauchsspuren auf dem Cover, sonst top. Tonträger und Booklet wie neu, Zähne des Diskhalters unbeschädigt ! Der Artikel ist aus meiner eigenen Sammlung und also aus 1. Hand ! Und kommt aus Nichtraucher- und auch Nichttier-Haushalt…

This album was recorded at a music festival staged in the Sahara near Timbuktu in Mali at the beginning of 2003.Among its catalysts are members of the French group, LoJo, their manager Philip Blix, and Andy Morgan of the Bristol-based label, Apartment 22 Records, who wrote the sleeve notes.After listening to the album as I drove in the rain to WOMAD Reading in July, I was inspired to declare on air that it was among the best live albums ever made.Which means it stands up against James Brown Live at the Apollo (1962), Bob Dylan Live at the Albert Hall (1966) and The Who Live at Leeds (1970).
The sound quality is astonishingly good.It has all the best elements of a studio recording but with an extra dimension of music floating across open space, entirely different from the sound you get from an enclosed theatre, where the home listener is always conscious of having a second-hand experience.When we hear a shouted reaction from the audience, it is not because they know the song but because they are being affected by a vocal infection or a moment of instrumental virtuosity.And when the audience claps along in rhythm, they hit the beats in time.Bliss.
If you are a converted believer in the mystical magic of Malian music, you may know some of these performers already Ali Farka Touré, Oumou Sangare, Tartit, Tinariwen and Afel Bocoum have all had albums releasedin Europe.But I don't think this record requires any prior experience in order to enjoy it;the singers and musicians make their own rules, drawing you in, and the unknown names make as much impact as the famous. […]. (bbc)

EAN : 4015698309829
Label : Triban Union
Erscheinungsjahr : 2003
Gewicht : 94 g
Preis : 12,00 EURO plus Versandkosten

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