Bugaboo Bee 5 stroller + carrycot

250 €

81677 München - Bogenhausen


We bought it new for 900 EUR.
Great quality pram, very good condition (see photos), all parts are original and work well.
It has everything:
- carrycot/bassinet that can be easily detached (so when the baby sleeps you can move it)
- seat that can be oriented in both positions (towards or away from parent)
- seat can recline and is height adjustable
- the body can be folded to be more compact (also without removing the seat)
- leather handles with adjustable height
- easy to stear with one hand
- sun canopy, water repellent and UPF 50+ sun protection; it can be put both on the seat and on
the carrycot
- rain cover

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  • 81677 Bogenhausen

    Esszimmerstühle von Segmüller

    All three have suddenly stared to peel on the surface, otherwise they are perfactly usable.

    Zu verschenken

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