Buch: Beowulf (Oxford World Classics, in english)

4 €

+ Versand ab 4,50 €
40231 Düsseldorf - Eller
  • Art Zeitgenössische Literatur & Klassiker


"The finest literary work passed down to us from Anglo-Saxon times, Beowulf celebrates the existence of heroism in a dark world of feuds, violence, and uncertainty. Set in the legendary Scandinavian past, Beowulf comes to the aid of the Danish king Hrothgar by killing the terrifying monster Grendel and its vengeful mother. A lifetime later, Beowulf courageously prepares for another great battle when a fiery dragon threatens his own kingdom. This acclaimed translation contains a critical introduction, a full index of names, and extensive notes." (Amazon)

One of the most important classics of English literature, in English. Very good condition. Collection in Düsseldorf-Eller or shipping by arrangement (2€ by post).

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