Book Happily letter after

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79395 Baden-Württemberg - Neuenburg am Rhein
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Ich verkaufe das Buch (English) happily letter after Von Vi Keeland
Penelope Ward

“My love story all started with a letter.
Only it wasn't from the man I'd eventually fall in love with. It was from his daughter. A sweet little girl named Birdie Maxwell who'd written to the magazine that I worked for.
You see, once a year my employer fulfilled a few wishes for readers.
Only that column didn't start up again for months.
So I fulfilled some of her wishes myself. It was harmless . . . so I thought. Until one day I took things too far.
While anonymously granting yet another of Birdies wishes, I got a look at her father. Her devastatingly handsome, single dad father.
I should have stopped playing fairy godmother then. I should have left well enough alone. But I just couldn't help myself. I had a connection to this girl. One that had me acting irrationally.
Like when I showed up on their doorstep.”

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