Angelo Branduari – English Versions Of 1st Lp (Vinyl Lp)

4 €

Versand möglich
10247 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - Friedrichshain


Vinyl Record (Lp) (SH) Musiza Records (Federal Republic Of Germany) 1974

Qualität / Quality:
Schallplatte/Record: 2-
Cover: 2- (Check The Photos)

1: Very good / Sehr gut
2: Good / Gut
3: O.K. (A few small scratches) / Befriedigend (Einige leichte Kratzer)
4: Not really good (Scratches but the record plays on my turntable without problems) / Deutliche Gebrauchsspuren (Kratzer aber die Platte spielt auf meinem Plattenspieler ohne Probleme)
5: Bad (Scratches) / Deutliche Gebrauchsspuren (Kratzer)

Angelo Branduari – English Versions Of 1st Lp Released 1974

1. King Of Hope
2. The Time To Come
3. Then Ask The Birds
4. To Create Her Eyes
5. Let Me Be
6. Slowly

1. Story Of My Son
2. And Tomorrow Won't Be Long
3. The Thousand Annum Kingdom

Versandkosten / Shipping Costs :
Germany: 1 Lp (Hermes Päckchen versichert) 5,00 €
2 bis 10 Lp's (Hermes Paket versichert) 6,00 €
Worldwide: 1–4 Records 21,00 €
EU: 1–4 Records 13,00 €

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