A2 Practice Reading Books In German In Very Good Condition

10 €

Nur Abholung
10829 Berlin - Schöneberg
  • Art Weitere Bücher & Zeitschriften


Books for the A2 level in very good condition )only one of them has some writing in it). One comes with a CD. All books contain exercises to test your reading.

Ein Fall für Tessa - https://www.amazon.de/Ein-Fall-f%C3%BCr-Tessa-Fremdsprache/dp/3197116720

Siegfrieds Tod - https://shop.hueber.de/en/siegfrieds-tod-leseheft-cd-978-3-19-001673-0.html (with CD)

Ein Schuss ins Leere - https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1034733950 (with CD)

Das Geheimnis der Statue - https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1064213001?ProvID=11000522&gclid=CjwKCAjwseSoBhBXEiwA9iZtxvVUMEaRxVweNluFoXS7mmZZV01ffwsnOO9i5jV87Y1fAu2UZ03cfhoCUScQAvD_BwE

Der ideale Moment - https://www.amazon.de/ideale-Moment-%C3%9Cbungen-Jugendliche-Erwachsene/dp/3922989853 )it has some writings on some of the pages)

Das Lied der Mörder - https://www.buecher.de/shop/deutsch-als-fremdsprache/das-lied-der-moerder-mp3-download/fesl-anemone/products_products/detail/prod_id/57608022/ (with CD)

You can buy all 6 for 10 euro or one piece for 2.5 euro each.

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