1966 USA Kalamazoo Bass, made by Gibson

950 €

Nur Abholung
38100 Niedersachsen - Braunschweig
  • Zustand Gut


The Kalamazoo bass, or KB (sometimes referred to as KB1), arrived in 1966, as a companion model to two Kalamazoo KG guitars that had been launched a year earlier. Like Gibson, and as the name suggests, they were produced in Kalamazoo, Michigan; however in a separate plant to the main 'Gibson' facility. You can read more about Gibson's relationship with Kalamazoo here.
from the 1966 Kalamazoo catalog
Modern styling in solid-body 4-string bass that offers full, true bass tones in a sleek, rugged economically priced instrument. With one pickup of extremely powerful design and full volume and tone control, the Kalamazoo Bass creates the full driving bass sound that sells a combo.

The vintage Kalamazoo-brand bass guitars are perhaps not that well known outside the United States, due to their short production time (just a few years in the mid 1960s) and the lack of endorsement by well known musicians; however being made by Gibson, in the USA, out of genuine Gibson parts meant that they were better instruments than many in the same price range. Good condition examples can change hands for reasonable sums amongst vintage guitar enthusiasts, and players alike.

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