"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" von Taylor Jenkins Reid (ENG)

6 €

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01159 Dresden - Löbtau-Nord
  • Art Weitere Bücher & Zeitschriften
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Herausgeber: Simon & Schuster UK
Seitenzahl: 385

"Reclusive Hollywood icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter, Monique Grant, to write her story, no one is more astounded than Monique herself.

From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to leaving show business in the '80's, and of course, the seven husbands along the way... Evelyn unspools a tale of ruthless ambition, unexpected
friendship and a great forbidden love. But as Evelyn's story nears its conclusion, it becomes clear that her life intersects with Monique's own in tragic and irreversible ways."

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