George Michael / Wham - a fan´s super poster collection

220 €

+ Versand ab 5,49 €
10779 Berlin - Wilmersdorf


I am offering here my extensive collection of vintage George Michael/Wham posters and photos of various sizes from 80s music magazines like Bravo and Popcorn. All posters are in great shape. It´s very rare to find these old 80s posters in a real nice condition and in such a quantity these days. I know the asking price may be steep for some but this is really a specialty item that only a real fan can appreciate and understand the value of. As a George´s die hard fan I once was I built this wonderful collection patiently over many years and while I still love him and his great music dearly I think am now ready to pass on this my collection to a new young and fresh George´s fan to keep his legacy going. George may not be here with us anymore but his music lives on in our hearts. I hope his photographs collection reflect how handsome and beautiful human being he really was apart from being an extremely talented singer and musician. He truly was one of a kind. He is missed deeply. Will be packed and shipped with great care. Thank you for your interest.

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