Zwei europäische Kurzhaar Katzen - my two loving cats

100 € VB

12103 Berlin - Tempelhof

Verantwortungsvoll Tiere vermitteln

Kaufe Tiere nie aus Mitleid oder auf offener Straße! Du förderst damit Tierleid, riskierst Strafen und hohe Folgekosten. Halte dich stets an unsere Tipps und nutze unseren Musterkaufvertrag.


Weitere Informationen & Tipps
  • Art Hauskatze
  • Alter 12 Monate oder älter
  • geimpft und gechipt Ja
  • Behördliche Erlaubnis Ja


With a very heavy heart, I’m forced to give away my two loving cats Titi and Pablo a year after adopting them. It’s never a dull or lonely time with them. They are always around me no matter what I’m doing, always following me everywhere. They are extremely playful, and always doing the most hilarious moves and poses. Titi even almost grows wings when he plays and literally flies to catch the toys and especially insects.

They both have really interesting and distinctive characters. Titi is the extroverted playful hunter, while also extremely cuddly. He loves jumping and sitting on our shoulders to have a change of scenery whenever we are moving around the house. He also always sleeps either cuddling with his brother or one of us.

Pablo is super sweet and shy. He takes his time adjusting to people, but when he does, he is a big fluffy ball of love. He loves stomach scratches so much that he starts drooling, and likes to wake me up with the cutest head buds.

They are around five years old.
They are both vaccinated and neutered. The vaccines however are not yet complete as I was told by their last owners.

Price is including the cat tree, the big tube toys, their cat bed, litter box and other belongings

IMPORTANT: Titi has a sensitive stomach and needs to be fed special food by VetConcept. This could be a bit costly so please only take them if you are sure you can afford taking full proper care of both of them.

As they are also very playful I will not give them away to a smaller house. They will only go to someone with a big apartment, a balcony or backyard.

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