Coaching: You need a businessplan? Gründungszuschuss?


12161 Berlin - Schöneberg


You want to start a new business? Do you need
You have a business idea and it would be helpful to have a sparring partner to develop your idea?
Are you threatened by unemployment? Do you have a temporary contract?
Are you currently unemployed and registered with the employment agency or the Job Center?
If you want to become self-employed – supported by an (Online)-Individual coaching – financed through a AVGS by the unemployment agency or the Job Center?

Then we should talk to each other!

The individual coaching is allowed to take place online. Therefore you and me, we can be at different places and we can work together using e. g. Zoom, Teams.

To start your new business or service, you need clarity about what you want to do, how exactly you should do it, and who your customers will be and how you want to reach them.

In coaching, we clarify your business idea, whether and how it suits you. It is about you as a person and as a self-employed person. It's about the processes involved in building your business and serving your customers so that you can be successful.

If you know this exactly, you have to write a business plan (business concept) and a financial plan and thus receive a start-up grant (Gründungszuschuss) from the employment agency or a start-up grant (Einstiegsgeld) from the Job Center.

As a coach of many years for freelancers, self-employed and entrepreneurs (as well as those who want to become one) I can support you competently.

To do this, you need an AVGS from the Unemployment Agency or the Job Center for the introduction to self-employment. AVGS stands for Activation and Placement Voucher (Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein). You need a speacial one forr the introduction to self-employment. I can also help you with the application for the AVGS.

How do we proceed?
You simply call me or send me an email. Then we clarify whether you can receive an AVGS. Once you have received this, we submit it to a carrier through which the individual coaching measure will run.
Our subsequent coaching sessions will take place online via Zoom / Teams, etc.

Your Coach Peter Haas:
As a "Coach for Companies in Motion" I focus on the positioning of companies, their growth strategies and the personal motivation to achieve the company's goals. I have a degree in industrial engineering, am an Integral Business Coach and use many other coaching and consulting trainings to further develop myself and my core competencies. I can effectively support you to start and grow well positioned.

Since 1999, I have operationally built up several startups in phases from zero. This includes responsibly managed departments such as customer service, controlling and network usage / operation. Therefore, I know effective setups - and typical pitfalls and mistakes that many founders make. I can help you with heart and mind to prepare better and to build up your company with joy.

I am listed in various other coaching programs for founders and entrepreneurs, especially in Berlin and Brandenburg. Many of my customers have a migration background.

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